Friday, November 13, 2009

Preparing solid food for my lovely cute..

Further, here are some tips on preparing Foods that most kids really do enjoy:
• Fruit gives crunchy fibre, vitamins and energy. Young babies and toddlers enjoy finger food. Cut fruit into pieces.

• Vegetables give colour, vitamins, minerals and important fibre. Cut into bite size pieces so they can be held and chewed. Start with one or two pieces on the plate and let the toddler experience new textures and tastes. Vegetables can be used as in-between snacks.

• Yoghurt of many yummy flavour (chocolate, vanilla, fruits) is high in calcium and protein with friendly bacteria which can boost the immune system; an ideal dessert or in-between snack.• Bread-It is satisfying, soft, easy to digest and has no need for spread. It encourages babies to chew. Have as toast, sandwiches or incorporate in cooking.

• Breakfast Cereals-Try and aim for less than 10% fat and 10% sugar and greater than 6% fibre per 100g of cereal. Cereals are good for breakfast and snacks and encourages the consumption of milk.
• Pasta may be presented in different sizes and shapes or noodles. Sometimes these can form the basis of soups or main meal with sauces. The small alphabet pasta with the varying shapes will appeal to children. Combined with small quantities of meat, fish or chicken and vegetables for an inexpensive and balanced meal.

• Eggs are high in protein, iron, folate and B12. They are easy to digest and eat and make a convenient meal. Combine soldiers (toasted bread fingers) with a soft cooked egg and some carrot sticks for a balanced combination.

• Mince Beef-This is high in iron and protein and easy to chew. It forms the basis of dishes like savoury mince, mince patties, spaghetti bolognaise and mini meatballs.

• Baked Beans-High in protein, fibre and low in fat; they are handy for a quick lunch or as an addition to breakfast.

• Cheese and vegemite fingers-A good snack food for toddlers 9 months and onward.

( quote from other bloggers..thank you for this info!!..need to improve my skill to prepared my baby's meal..u can do it ummi!!!)

Wajah-wajah terkini...

Assalamualaikum..mula lafaz bicara..
huhu..fatihah nak story kat semua fatihah baru baik demam..demam nak jalan..sekrang fatihah batuk je..hari-hari kena makan ubat..fatihah menci makan ubat..uwaaaa...
apepon fatihah nak wish syukur alhamdulillah..fatihah dah pandai jalan dengan megahnye!!! yehaa!!! boleh dah boleh kejar ayah n ummi..fatihah dah pandai ikot ayah n ummi solat dah!!....
cuma sekarang kurang slera nak susu n makan coz tekak fatihah sakit lagi..doakan fatihah sembuh tau!!
ni lah pict fatihah ummi toncet kan rambut..rambut fatihah dah panjang dah...
monyok muka saya ni!!....huhuuh..

fatihah tido kepenatan dengan gaya lion baru fatihah mak lang belikan..

hah macam nilah gaya fatihah tetido..letih lah main n jalan lari-lari..sampai tido atas tikar..
isk2 yang ni lain pulak..mase ni fatihah sehat lagi..fatihah reading book kat bilik..time ni fatihah dah tak tengok ape dah..i love reading ummi!!! ummi always said " good girl!!!.." then ummi show that " i love u mmmmuahhh"....
fatihah pon sayang ayah n ummi sangat2..jage fatihah siang malam...huhuu...amin Ya Allah...

Got new recepi for my sweety!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


lama dah fatihah simpan gambar nih..masa ni ummi n ayah wat makan-makan raya kat rumah kami..fatihah jadik penyeri rumah jer..fatihah jadi bahan ketawe buat kawan-kawan ummi dan ayah..
picture ni semua mama ekin yg snap tau..agak gelap cikit..
yang tepekan gamba kat belakang tu wat2 tak tau je ye..papa tu papa baru..die tak kasik fatihah announce nama die..papa tu slalu ajak fatihah main..
fatihah buat aksi di depan khalayak ramai!!

papa baru ni nak bagi fatihah makan..bagi makan grape tau!!!

yang ni pulak papa tu suap kat fatihah ..die ajar suap guna mulut..ehehehhehe..maaf mama ekin yerr...

hahhh..yang ni papa tu cume perhati dari jauh jer..memantau katekan..fatihah dah makan secara sopan..oklah mama ekin..fatihah dah penatlah..fatihah nak choww dulu..isk2 xsopannye bahase..
fatihah nak mengundur diri yer mama u..


Fatihah coming..huhu..lama fatihah menyepi dek kerana hp ummi yg di baling oleh fatihah sendiri..cian ummi kene bayar beli hp baru..nak buat macam mane tangan fatihah ni suke main hp ayah n ummi...miahahaha..
Ni ummi snap picture fatihah guna hp baru ummi..mase ni fatihah tak tau diam baru tukar diaper..fatihah nak main aja ..lantas fatihah turun katil n jalan-jalan pergi ke cermi solek ummi yang besar itu...hehehehhe...
Ok..ikutilah soroton kesah fatihah bersama cermin sakti ummi!!!!
fatihah baru sampai ke cermin setelah menuruni katil lantas duduk dahulu ...

fatihah pon mula berdiri dengan segaknya sambil meloncat2...
(sebenarnya fatihah memang pantang jumpa cermin..sangat3....suke..)

fatihah mula menemui dirinya dalam cermin sakti..lantas fatihah mula berinteraksi dengan dirinya melalui cermin..

bila dah jumpa diri fatihah ni yang sgt comel fatihah pon cium cermin sakti ummi nih dengan sepenuh hati tanda sayang pada diri sendiri....fatihah says "kiss"..upsss..cuppsss..fatihah kiss bayang sendiri dalam cermin..

fatihah meneruskan kata-katanya dengan bayangnya..seronok ummi tengok fatihah..heheheh..dengan menggayakan diapers die tuh..

bila dah penat cari ummi berjalan-jalan ke katil semula...

then..fatihah naik katil semula untuk beramah mesra bersama ayah n ummi pulaaaa...wahhh ambut fatihah daaa boleh oncet lahh..nenek suke tgk fatihah oncet ambut..

akhir sekali bila fatihah dah tired fatihah pon babam lah sambil mengekek ketawe main dan berkata-kata dengan bahasa fatihah sendiri...huhuhu...oklah hari dah ujan..fatihah rasa sampai masenye fatihah lene dengan nyenyaknye...ermmmm..sedap nye tido..come join me!!!!